in my art, semi-personal, sonic art

Commission and full body drawing ambitions

It’s a daydream that I constantly have every now and then, my ambitions are high, but my art, in my humble opinion, just isn’t there yet. I crudely ask myself, “Your art isn’t worth paying a penny for is it?” and the answer is no. But I’m probably being a tad much harsh on myself, besides, I’m the same person that has done the negativity laced ambitious thoughts like this before too. By the way, my focus is on Sonic the Hedgehog related art, just to let you know what’s my mindset and/or alike.

A major concept I struggle with is full body drawings, for the most recent time I fully did one was this one of Sonic back in May of 2021:

Made on May 5, 2021.

To be fair, this is nearly a year old, and I’ve made some improvements over time. Take this one of Furdy’s OC, Maya the Mako Shark I did more recently, which is still in WIP state since:

Made on January 14, 2022.

Sadly, I lost the original Krita file due to accidentally wiping my main Windows partition somehow (I now use the Linux distro Kubutnu), although I remember formatting the empty partition. But thankfully, my godmother’s co-worker was able to use some recovery software to gain files back, but they were mostly corrupted or scrambled. However, on a positive note, I still have the PNG of this and I probably can recover more of my files using Linux recovery tools.

So I really aim for improvement on my art in general and reach the point where I’m confident in doing commissions. Some particular things I’d like to do with the income earned (if I do and probably won’t lol) is donate to open source projects and buy a dedicated hard drive for my server I can think from the top of my head.

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