3D Modelling (Mis)Adventures

Me modelling Furdman02’s Sonic OC, Maya the Mako Shark.

Recently, I got the drive to learn 3D modelling once again! I’ve been determined to make one good model, particularly a character one, but haven’t gotten any really finished.

As pictured above, I tried modelling Furdman02’s Sonic OC, Maya the Mako Shark. Furdy provided a really good model sheet, which I’ll link here, which seemed to have provided enough detail to make a 3D model out of. With the help of the tutorial playlist below, I started to follow along.

I started out with the chest, arms, legs, feet, and torso just fine, but I had trouble figuring out how to model the head, hands, and her tail. To be honest, I either haven’t looked deep enough for other tutorials that concern features like this or didn’t think how hard it’d be. My usual problem with trying to model the tail was that I’d have the left view aligned but not have the front aligned, making it look more like a beaver tail than the shark tail I wanted.

Also it becomes hard to manipulate the shape from the front view and doesn’t align like it should look like.

Plus, in the video, the artist had a drawn reference of the hands from the top-down angle, which my ref did not. This leaves with the choice of either referencing an official 3D model of a Sonic character and model it after that or just try to wing it. As of writing I haven’t progressed past the torso, arms, chest, legs, and feet.

However, the journey doesn’t end there, as I started another 3D modeling project today.

I want to make a 3D model of Lum, personally because there aren’t any preexisting models of her that you can download online and I wanted to put her in as a character mod in Left 4 Dead 2. I used this fanart as a starting point because I felt this was the kind of style I wanted to see on the final 3D model. My idea is to use multiple reference images to create a composite model of her, as this image isn’t a model sheet, so moving and rotating images will probably happen throughout the making of this model.

To be honest, it’s not starting out too pretty, and I think I might start from scratch, but keep the references intact.

I’m not sure if these will ever see a day where they’re fully finished or if I’ll even still care about working on them in the end, but gosh would be impressive to see them in a finished form, so stayed tuned in case there’s a part two to this.

Onset of Fall Break!

Fall break is approaching and I have a lot of things on my mind right now, a couple of them include obtaining my driver’s permit and moving out with my Mami and Madrina. These things are looking more possible now that I got all of my late work finished before the deadline today, which were from days I was out sick, I feel proud of myself for accomplishing this. It definitely feels like a weight off my shoulders and feel like I can now be able to focus on other things during break.

Communication has been improved I feel since I started public school, the majority of people who have talked to me and with have been nice. It was much different than how it was for me in elementary and middle school, it feels more mature and up to par with how my style is, feels really good honestly. Been a while since I’ve contacted friends I have over the internet since I was caught up and focusing on work. Hoping maybe to talk to em again over break if possible, but if I don’t they’ll know it’s not personal and we’re still cool.

Although, to be honest with all of you, I think I might miss school a bit over break. It’s been a pleasant and amazing experience, I don’t think I’ve ever got this much happy to go to school like this before, there’s so many positive feelings I’m having that probably don’t even have words for them. Perhaps maybe I’ll stroll along town and go to it’s park more often with my Mami and/or Madrina whenever possible, the town is much more beautiful to me every time I go to and from school, it feels like a breath of much needed air to me.

You know, maybe I’ll volunteer here when I graduate from here and have the time to do so, the facility is incredibly nice. Perhaps maybe I’ll even help with networking or hell even become a teacher if I go to college for it! I bet I could be awesome with teaching, just gotta learn really well in college and ace my ACT so I’ll be accepted, I could do anything I set my mind to! Look at me, I’m just pumped up and feeling great, I’m just in awe right now just typing this! I’m think I’m going to miss going here once I graduate from senior year, it’s insane thinking that I’ll be a legal adult by the time I graduate, I’m getting too old!!!

I really want to do good in school, I want to be able to succeed and feel proud of my life, be able and talented to all types of things. Part of me wants to practice stuff I’ll be learning in advance so I can for sure be ready to pass my classes, be able to ace the ACT, prove myself against the odds. I’m probably sounding like a broken record at this point but I’m just so damn happy right now, I feel like my life is heading into the right direction. Sure I’m going to have bumps and slight let downs in parts of the road, but nothing too bad that I’ll fail to succeed, I’m set to pass!

But in the meanwhile, some of the things I’d like to do include taking care of my body misalignment, I got an X-ray the other day and looking forward to the treatments that they would recommend. Hopefully they say I can see a chiropractor or seek physical therapy, I’m slightly fearing that they’ll say surgery but I highly doubt it’ll succumb to that. Plus I look forward to making some more artwork, currently got a color wheel I’m working on for Art II that we were going to finish up after Fall Break, but I decided to maybe work on it some at home since I have some acrylic paints if I’m not mistaken. That aside, I was thinking conducting personal projects alongside it, Furdy’s Maya the Mako Shark is still on my mind. My Mami came up with a really cool idea of her cosplaying Minnie Mouse after seeing my recent sketch of her, which I shared on Twitter, as she said the eyelashes reminded her of Minnie Mouse’s!

Overall, although I’m gonna miss going to school, I still got a lot of cool things to look towards in the upcoming next week when my break begins. I’m feeling really great right now thinking about the future and its positive outlook so far, there’s a really great chance that we’ll be able to achieve our goal of moving out that we’ve been longing to accomplish. In the meantime, I think I might try to relax and write in my journal even more often, much like I’ve been doing recently in this Mead notebook I obtained from Target in another city!

Here’s to great success! salud!

Today was a great day for my art

The WIP featured here was done in GIMP, I figured I try it for a change, after all, it has a good rep with artists, as far as I know.

This also is from the perspective of 3 days ago, since I didn’t finish this post in time.

Today was unexpected for me in a way, I’m gonna recap this as best as I can, soooooo here goes!

My Mami was asleep for the most of the day, I played a slot machine like game on the stereo system, and spent most of the day on art!

Although I didn’t necessarily plan out the day, my art became the main focus on it’s own. It started off with this painting in Krita I did, which I’m keeping a surprise hehe, intended as an entry for a calendar feature photo. It’s been in the works for mostly this week and last, with it being on the back burner for about a month, with the near end result looking incredibly pretty.

But as for that piece, I will reveal that as a surprise if it makes it, if not, then you’ll see it here most definitely. However, I do present to you a WIP of Furdy’s Maya the Mako Shark, as seen above. In this, you can see Maya rocking a pair of boxing gloves, a sports bra, and sports shorts.

So all in all, it’s very cool how today led me to my art, hope you enjoy! 😉

Commission and full body drawing ambitions

It’s a daydream that I constantly have every now and then, my ambitions are high, but my art, in my humble opinion, just isn’t there yet. I crudely ask myself, “Your art isn’t worth paying a penny for is it?” and the answer is no. But I’m probably being a tad much harsh on myself, besides, I’m the same person that has done the negativity laced ambitious thoughts like this before too. By the way, my focus is on Sonic the Hedgehog related art, just to let you know what’s my mindset and/or alike.

A major concept I struggle with is full body drawings, for the most recent time I fully did one was this one of Sonic back in May of 2021:

Made on May 5, 2021.

To be fair, this is nearly a year old, and I’ve made some improvements over time. Take this one of Furdy’s OC, Maya the Mako Shark I did more recently, which is still in WIP state since:

Made on January 14, 2022.

Sadly, I lost the original Krita file due to accidentally wiping my main Windows partition somehow (I now use the Linux distro Kubutnu), although I remember formatting the empty partition. But thankfully, my godmother’s co-worker was able to use some recovery software to gain files back, but they were mostly corrupted or scrambled. However, on a positive note, I still have the PNG of this and I probably can recover more of my files using Linux recovery tools.

So I really aim for improvement on my art in general and reach the point where I’m confident in doing commissions. Some particular things I’d like to do with the income earned (if I do and probably won’t lol) is donate to open source projects and buy a dedicated hard drive for my server I can think from the top of my head.

Praise be Maya

I want to dedicate this post to Furdy’s (@Furdman02 is his Twitter account) OC, Maya the Mako Shark! I just gotta say I absolutely adore this OC, her design is absolutely amazing! I especially dig her “edgy” look that Furdy calls it.

I have literally sooooo many WIPs on her that I’ve probably yet to share, with many of them being considered unfinished personally, but love them all pretty much though. My hope is to one day finish a full body drawing of her and maybe do a poster of her, gosh that’d be effing amazing.

Side note: effing is considered a word in my browser haha.